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RoboVeg Harvesters

RoboVeg RV3 Vision System

The vision system integrated in the RV range scans the field as the machine moves forward, locating the broccoli heads and accurately sending coordinates to the robots. A new broccoli harvesting cutting tool has been designed specifically for this new harvester, allowing precise length cutting of the broccoli stems. As standard, the robots drop the broccoli heads in boxes located at the end of the harvester, but other collecting solutions could be applied to these harvesters.


An electric generator, either hydraulic or fuelled, supplies the energy needed to power the RV.


A low loader trailer can be provided as an optional extra for easy transportation to/from the field. Maintenance contracts can also be provided to ensure the ongoing good condition of the RV.

Control and Data Analytics


The grower can be specific in terms of cutting instructions.  The size range can be determined to within a few millimetres.

As RoboVeg collects and communicates data in real time as it traverses the fields, both the operator and farm office staff will be able to keep abreast of progress against targets as well as make commercially advantageous decisions and assessments on the spot.


RoboVeg has the potential to offer yield-mapping functions in real-time and also

to allow access to historical data and maps.

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